Referenser från tidigare samarbeten och arbetsgivare:

”We hired Annika to start up our international business. Annika did the analysis on different markets, suggested business models, and established new markets. The arrangement between us suited our organization and ambition perfectly.”

Anna Andén
CEO Ulricehamns Tapetfabrik 

”Jag träffade Annika av en tillfällighet på ett affärsevent. Kort därefter formulerade vi ett uppdrag med syfte att hitta en distributör för oss i Finland och Baltikum. På kort tid gjorde hon en kartläggning av möjliga samarbetspartners. Det ledde till att vi avtalade med ett företag som vi tyckte var mycket lämpliga som partners. Projektet gjordes tillsammans med Tillväxtverket. Vi uppskattar Annikas professionalism, energi och resultatinriktning.”

Anders Nordangård
Founder, Baoobaoo Leather Production 

”Jag har haft förmånen att få jobba ihop med Annika på Bolon under många år och det jag har sett är en affärsdriven, trygg och lösningsfokuserad person. Bra på att bygga relationer och med lång erfarenhet från olika exportmarknader.”

Annica Eklund
Owner and CCO, BOLON AB

”A lady with panache for sales and business development. 

I was particularly impressed by Annika’s ability to handle even the toughest clients—effortlessly. These skills often take years to develop among customer service professionals, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to her.

I have been very fortunate to have had her guidance in presenting totally new product in new markets. Her guiding principles have been with me, always!  Would never ever hesitate to work with her again.”

Gunjan Gopal
Owner, PN Ventures Dehli, India

“I collaborate with Annika many years when she was export manager of Sandberg and I can only talk 100% positive about her and her way to work. She make his job with great passion and great devotion.

For instance ( but I can tell more  examples ) during exhibitions Sandberg participated I noted she was engaged from the decoration of the stand/showroom the days before, to manage very well customers during the fair and participate again to the dismantling of the stand/showroom and always without consider how hours she dedicated to the work with humilty and competence. Yes Annika is humble but very professional and competent.”

Massimo Noto
Owner and Managing Director of Agena Group Italy

”We have been cooperating years with Sandberg Tapeter AB, Ulricehamn, Sweden acting as their distributor in Finland. Ms. Annika Mårtensson acting as Sandberg’s Export and Marketing Manager has been our contact person, and she has done her duty very well. We warmly recommend her as person and her skills to be used for all kind of marketing and sales activities of this branch.”

Marjatta Tuomes
Managing Director Maricken Oy, Finland